SGSC Logo Scout and Guide Stamps Club IFSCO Logo  
SGSC Patch
2007 SGSC Patch
Scout & Guide Emblems

The Scout and Guide Stamps Club was one of the largest and most influential Scout philatelic organizations.  From 1957 to 2025 the club served an international membership of over 3000 Scout stamp collectors with

  1. Publication of Bulletins
    1. Scout & Guide philatelic research
      1. stamps,
      2. postal history of Scout & Guide events,
      3. special postmarks,
      4. slogans and meter cancellations,
      5. labels (seals),
      6. postcards.
    2. New Issues
    3. Scout Stamp Auctions
    4. Members and dealers adverts of sales and wanted material
  2. Meetings
  3. Club Website
  4. Stamp Exhibitions
  5. Founding Member of IFSCO (2000)
  6. Staffing of the Stamp Displays at the Scout World Jamboree in 2007
  7. Host of EuroScout 2010 in Chelmsford, Essex

The Scout & Guide Stamps Club was founded as the Scout Stamp Collectors Club (SSCC) in 1957 as a result of the increased interest created by the numerous stamp issues commemorating the Baden-Powell Centenary and the Golden Jubilee of Scouting.  The first meeting was held on February 20th 1957 at the Headquarters of the International Bureau in London followed by an open meeting at the 9th World Jamboree at Sutton Coldfield, UK.

 You are invited to read SGSC History  The First 50 Years - Recollections of the Accomplishments of the Club and the people who made it happen.  Also available is the SGSC Constitution.