You will recall that in my last "John's Jottings" I wrote about the Nigeria 1963 World Jamboree Miniature
sheet with the red printing omitted on the 3d value. Since then our member Fredrick Lawrence from the U.S. has
written to say "You might recall, that Barry Mann (the US Scout stamp dealer) sold a purported example of this
"error" quite a few years ago, back when he ran full page advertisements in the SOSSI Journal - so that would
have been in the 1980s or 1990s. It was sent to the American Philatelic Expertising Service (APEX) for review,
which found that it was faked, with the red color chemically removed. Barry of course took it back, and then
resold it through a second advertisement, this time as a fake accompanied by the APEX certificate".
I have recently returned from Krakow in Poland, having been invited to attend the celebrations for their Scout
Centenary. The camp was held in the large park in the city with some 8500 attending, not only from Poland but
a number of overseas countries, including the U.K. The main
celebrations took place throughout the city during the first weekend,
when they virtually took over the largest and second largest squares
with displays of Scouting, and activities on the stages that were erected
in both areas. The city was 'flooded' with Scouts in uniform and was
most impressive. Not only did these displays take place, but there were
exhibitions in five other parts of the city including at an art gallery,
library and museum. It was at the 1913 Scout Rally in Birmingham JUBILEUSZOWY ZLOT STULECIA HARCERSTWA
that the only guests from abroad, were some 42 Scouts from Poland.
Baden-Powell had a good relationship with Andrzej Malkowski, the founder of Scouting in Poland, who wrote a
book about the Rally entitled Jak Skauci Praguja. It was in 1910 that he translated Scouting for Boys into Polish.
Andrzej Malkowski died at the age of 30 in 1919 while on a mission for the Polish Army.
Earlier this month I attended the 15th Chris Hollingham Scout and Guide Badge, B-P, and Scout Memorabilia
Meeting at Midhurst in West Sussex. This was well attended and has become very popular. Since the Gilwell
Reunion organizers do not encourage any trade by collectors, I know that some people from abroad are going to
attend this event on 27-28 August 2011 instead of the Reunion. On the Friday night most of those attending go to a
local pub and on the Saturday there is the buffet and social gathering. The Gilwell Reunion is of course no longer
a Wood Badge Reunion, but open to anybody who can afford to pay. I am afraid that much of
the atmosphere of years gone by has simply disappeared. I am not the only person who thinks
this, and the main reason for the event, in my opinion is to raise money. Many people who
used the Lid now have to pay £50 on a Saturday between 1000-1600 hours instead of £25 last
year. They have priced out all the stalls up the Essex Chase and the International Badgers
Club are no longer allowed to have sales tables. People miss this as there is no programme on
Thursday and Friday so they like to browse in this area.
I know that I am intruding into Colin Walker's "Colin's Corner" but as I have very little
philatelic news to report, I thought I would give details about a cigarette card sold by
Warwick & Warwick earlier this month. It was a Lambert & Butler card issued in 1901 of
Colonel Baden-Powell titled "The King of Scouts", a name given to him way before Scouting
started in 1908. It is from a set of only one card and was described in good condition without
faults and catalogued by Murray Cards at £400. This card made £220 (about US$ 330, € 264)
plus 15% buyers premium.
As I write these notes, it is still holiday time in the northern hemisphere, and that could be the reason why
have not seen any unusual Scout philatelic items for sale on eBay. However, a Baden-Powell item that was sold
did interest me. As you may well know, B-P held the first 'experimental' Boy Scout
camp on Brownsea Island between the 25th July and 9th of August 1907. A total of 22
boys and 3 leaders were present, and on 8th August, some, if not all of the boys were
given a book to commemorate their involvement in the camp. The book which was
sold on eBay, was called 'The Story of A Scout' by John Finnemore and published in
1902. The front flyleaf is signed in fountain pen by B-P. The full inscription reads:
"W. Giles from RSS Baden Powell Scout Camp: 8. Aug. 07 Brownsea". The book
was presented to Walter Giles, who was 14 at the time of the camp and who later
became a baker in adult life, and finally passed away in 1969. The book had one major
flaw as the front (cover) board has split away from the remainder of the book. The seller of the book purchased it
from the Children's Book Shop in Hay-On-Wye around 1984/85, and although we do not know what he paid for
this, it sold for £3200 (about US$4800 €3840).