SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
Winter 2018
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

After undergoing and interregnum regarding the editorship of this Bulletin, I am pleased that Colin Walker has now taken on this important role and that quarterly Bulletins should now be back on track, including interesting articles and periodic auctions (as in this issue).

Of course, it is your club and our editor relies on you to submit articles, images, news items and letters that all add up to the interesting mix that characterises our magazine.  The Club also relies on members to pay their subscriptions on time and thanks to you that have done so this year because, of course, without these funds we cannot produce the Bulletin.

Our Membership Secretary, Tim Reed, is updating out records and asks that all members send him their current email address if does not already have it.  Also, and this is of some importance, we are asking those who still currently subscribe to a hard copy of the magazine, if they might consider an electronic version as this is a lot less work but has the twin advantages or portraying much better quality images and these can be saved easily be saved to your own hard drive for future reference and use.

You may be aware of recent changes in legislations (the Data Protection Act) regarding the personal details of members held electronically with which the club must now comply.  Detail are given below.

The club will be holding its AGM at the 2019 Easter Stampex Exhibition on 16th January - we would welcome all members and look forward to seeing your there.

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

This legislation governs the way all personal date is held by businesses.  Organisations such as ours etc.  The Scout and Guide Stamps Club assumes that members have given their consent for their personal information, namely names home address email address etc. to be held on our electronic database for the purpose of printed or handwritten communications from the club informing members or events, activities and other relevant information appertaining to the SGSC.  This personal information is not given to any third party without the express consent of the members concerned.

The Scout and Guide Stamps Club will take the necessary measures to protect personal information against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage.  The Scout and Guides Stamp Club will only use your information for the purposes listed.

Members who unsubscribe at any time can cancel their consent by contacting the SGSC Membership Secretary by e-mail with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.