SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
Autumn 2017
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

Summers are said to be the “silly season” and this year is no exception.  I have just returned from Virginia, U.S.A. where there is much controversy regarding the many statues erected to commemorate Confederates from their Civil War and slavery.  Some have been pulled down or vandalised and others taken down by the authorities.  Any statue seems fair game as one of Christopher Columbus was vandalised!

Back here in Britain too the future of monuments to various historical personalities are also being discussed, including those of Cecil Rhodes and Lord Nelson.

By the politically correct standards of today almost every statue, especially those of military leaders could be criticised and I hope that this does not extend to the statue of B-P in Kensington by Don Potter pictured on the 10c stamp from the Dominican Republic.

Statue of B-P in Kensington

At this time our sympathy is with the people of Houston, U.S.A. Suffering from the terrible flooding, loss of life and property.  Their Boy Scouts must have suffered too but no doubt are doing their best to help others.  The painting by their official artist Norman Rockwell, reproduced on the 15c stamp from Liberia, shows the Scouting spirit and determination under similar conditions.

Liberia - A Scout Is Helpful