SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
Summer 2017
by Melvyn Gallagher
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Badger’s Club say NO to merger

As you are all well aware, the Badger’s Club had made an initial approach to us following a decision by their membership and then the Committee to explore the possibility of a merger of our two clubs, the aim being to unite all collectors of Scouting and Guiding memorabilia as many members of both Clubs collect various items including both philately and badges.

Terry Simister and I met with their Committee at Gilwell for preliminary discussion and we later provided them with further information appertaining to our Club, plans being made for further meetings.

The proposal publicised to our members generated much debate, both in favour and against the idea, many of these views expressed in editions of the Bulletin - which were no doubt read by Badger’s Club members too.

Following an extended period of inaction and no further official communication being received from the Badger’s Club we have now been informed that they have now decided to reverse their earlier decision and no longer wish to pursue the merger idea with us, their reasons explained in their letter reproduced on the next page.

Our Club will therefore continue with our existing aims and objectives and rely on you all for your continued support.