SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
Spring 2017
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

The "Spring Stampex" was an excellent show with many more interesting display frames than in recent years as well as the stands of dealers, auctioneers and post offices with activities for young collectors too.

At our Club's meeting we too were treated to displays from Peter Duck comprising Scout philately from Yugoslavia and Imperial Russia where Scouting flourished with the approval of the Czar before the Revolution.  John Ineson brought along a large collection of Mafeking Siege printed ephemera and it is surprising to see just how much material has survived.  No doubt many items were kept as souvenirs by those involved and treasured as such.

John reminded us all that 2017 sees the 60th anniversary of our Club formed after the 1957 World Jamboree and showed us his original membership card and other Club items including Bulletins from 1962 in which were advertised Mafeking 1d cyclist used stamps for £6, happy days!

Our editor would love to hear from any other original members out there who may have tales of the early days.

Once again our A.G.M will be held on board the Scout training ship the "Lord Amory" and we are planning to put on some displays for the many youngsters and Leaders expected to be there and promote the Club, we hope to see you there.