SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
Winter 2016
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

Following the invitation from Hallvard Slettebø, around 80 philatelists viewed his display “Scouting around the World” held at The Royal Philatelic Society, London on 27th October.  It was pleasing to see many of our Club members present as well as many of your Committee, including Randall Frank from the U.S.A.  The six award winning displays of 52 frames filled the main exhibition room and contained many rarities and varieties.  The President of the R.P.S.L., Himself a Group Scout Leader, gave an address thanking Hallvard before presenting him with a medal and a Beaver Scout collector’s badge.

A full review of the exhibits are included as Colin Walker’s “Corner” in this issue and there is a description and several illustrations in the splendid handbook, a copy of which is being made available to all our members from Hallvard.

For those who received Bulletins by mail the handbook is included within this package and for those who receive Bulletins by electronic mail the handbook can be down loaded from

Hallvard Slettebø's Scouting

with the entire display of 588 pages.

On behalf of the Committee, I wish you all a joyful Christmas and prosperous New Year and look forward to meeting members at our next meeting.