SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
November/December 2013
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

As international aid now arrives in the Philippines their large Scouting community, numbering nearly one and a half million members, must have been devastated too.
Scouting has always been a major youth organisation there, the country hosting many major international events including the World Jamboree in 1959.  Many of these have been commemorated with stamp issues, postmarks and other philatelic items.  Disaster has struck their Scouts before as back in 1963 their entire contingent flying to the World Jamboree were killed in an air crash - later, in 1970, a stamp was issued showing their memorial amphitheatre, Pasonanca Park.

On a happier note, Christmas is approaching, with the traditional exchange of cards between family and friends.  In recent years people do not send so many, partly due to the high postage costs.  Also the younger generation especially choose to send their greetings by electronic ways which I find difficult to put on the mantelpiece.

Some Scout groups will be operating local delivery services for cards with colourful and highly collectable labels and their services should be supported as the funds generated support Scouting and other charities.

On behalf of all the Committee we wish our members Season’s Greetings and a a Prosperous New Year.

Philippines 1970       Philippines 1972

1970 - Scout Memorial Amphitheatre



1972 - Asia Pacific Scout Conference

overprint and revalue on an earlier
“Presidential Sayings” set.  The saying
is very poignant at present.