SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
September/October 2012
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

With the excitement of the London Olympics behind us I await to see what exploitative stamps have been issued including scouts in their designs! "Euroscout 2012" in Bavaria may not see Olympic size crowds but no doubt will be well attended, the visitors including our Club's President and other club members and we will give a full report in the next bulletin.

Our webmaster has been very busy bringing our website up to date with articles from previous bulletins which can be accessed by members using the new password xxxxxx and on behalf of the Club I thank Randall Frank for taking on this mammoth task.

Following the recent correspondence regarding producing the bulletin on line for those that prefer receiving it this way, members will have an opportunity to make a choice by replying to an article by our editor to be included in the next bulletin.  We realise of course that there are some members who may not have or use a computer and a printed copy will be sent out to them as usual.

Those of you who decide to receive an electronic version will be helping the club to save money from postage and distribution costs which of course also helps us keep the current subscription rates at the same level for as long as possible.