SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
September/October 2011
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

As I write freedom fighters are still trying to oust the former regime from Libya and many are or were until the recent troubles involved in Scouting.  Libya has produced a large number of Scout and Guide stamps over the years but sadly many of the most recent are a cynical exploitation of the Movement by their then leader Gadaffi using Scouting as a means for self publicity as seen on these two miniature sheets in 1982 for the 75th Anniversary of Scouting.

        Gadaffi   Gadaffi

The question of falling club membership continues to generate much correspondence to our editor with some constructive ideas that the committee will certainly consider, but others sadly have been already tried without success.

Like many clubs and societies these days we have become largely a corresponding club with the membership keen to learn about our hobby from the informative articles in the Bulletin and adding to their collections from the sales and club auctions but are not so keen to attend club meetings wherever held.

Our target is to attract new members of all ages and I urge all of you who are active in Scouting or Guiding to help promote the club through your own Group and also through your District Newsletter by sending their editors our membership form to reproduce.  I would remind members that the club offers section membership to Colonies, Packs, Troops, Companies, etc.  As well as individual membership.

No doubt some of you attended the recent World Scout Jamboree in Sweden and we look forward to hearing about their philatelic arrangements from you.