SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
May/June 2011
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

The Club's recent A.G.M. saw all the existing Committee re-elected unopposed and the newcomers to the meeting had an enjoyable day.  Unfortunately for us there were extensive engineering works being carried out on the rail system making it very difficult to get to our venue.  The Committee has therefore decided to hold the 2012 A.G.M. at Philatex, held at the Royal Horticultural Hall, London which we hope will make travel easier for you all.

By now all members will have received our latest Club auction catalogue with plenty of interesting material from the Mafeking Siege to date, as well as printed ephemera such as postcards, please send your bids in early - the closing date being May 21st.

Both our Editor and myself are very pleased with the recent interest and letters generated following recent editions of the Bulletin and we try to publish as many replies as possible (space allowing) and remind all members that any views expressed by individuals may not be shared by the Club or its officers.

My thanks to member Nigel Cole who kindly sent me further details appertaining to the Duke of Connaught and his prizes for Scout marksmanship that are still in use today.

With the centenary of World Guiding and of American Scouting both behind us with the many stamp issue both events brought, we can now draw breath and save up ready for the next issues for the World Scout Jamboree.