SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
November/December 2010
by Melvyn Gallagher
IFSCO Logo  

The November “Philatex” at the Royal Horticultural Hall, Westminster was the venue for our Club meeting where we were treated to displays of unusual material from the collections of Peter Duck and John Meson.  It was good to see two new members join us and perhaps more of you will come along next time.

Although not strictly a Scouting issue, the French 1938 stamp honouring sea explorer Jean Charcot has always been included in Scouting collections as he was also President of one of the then four French Scouting organisations, the “eclaireurs de France”.  Therefore, I put forward the argument that we also accept and include in our collections the 12c, 1911 Newfoundland stamp that pictures H.R.H. the Duke of Connought as he was President of the Boy Scouts of Great Britain.  Being a social climber seeking military advancement, B-P had befriended the Duke when he was still a Captain and even deciated his book "Pigsticking" to him in order to enlist his patronage.

Later becoming President of the fledgling Boy Scout Movement the Duke attended many of the early events, including the 1913 Imperial Scout Exhibition, the 1924 Imperial Jamboree and he opened the 1929 World Scout Jamboree.  The “Connought Shield”, a prize for smallbore rifle shooting is still contested for within our Movement.

The photo is reproduced from the official souvenir book of the 1929 World Scout Jamboree, showing the Duke together with B-P and the Newfoundland stamp.

Do members agree with me or not?  Please let your views be known to our Editor.

Duke of Connaught