SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
May/June 2008
by John Ineson
IFSCO Logo  

The AGM of the SGSC takes place on Saturday 14 June at the North Richmond Scout Hut at 2.30pm when it is hoped by the committee that they will get some support from our members.  It seems sad to think that with over 40 of us living within 50 miles of London, we have still not found a volunteer to become our Treasurer.  Terry Simister has been doing this for some years, but as he has become our Editor, it is essential that we have somebody else to take on this job, as without a Treasurer, we cannot legally exist.  Please either contact Terry or myself if you would be prepared to support the SGSC.

It is always good to read reports when members give displays to other clubs, in the May edition of the Picture Postcard Monthly it mentioned that "John Roberts introduced Scouting to Bristol Postcard Club last month, illustrating his talk with a large number of postcards that were passed around for perusal.  John outlined the history of the Scout movement, featuring Baden-Powell, camps and jamborees.  The cards were a mix of old and modern, and showed the appeal of Scouting throughout the world.  Top series included Tuck's 'Our Boy Scouts' animal heads and Norman Rockwell's modern paintings.  John also talked about his adventures buying cards on eBay and his exchanges with fellow collectors worldwide.

Recently a most interesting WJ 1933 Hungary - Italy postcard was sold by auction in Hungary.  The card was posted at the Boy Scout World Jamboree and has the "k" Gödöllő cancellation dated 10th August 1933.  On arrival at the Mátyásföld Hungarian Airport it was cancelled 11th August and then sent by Air Mail to Venice Lido, Italy.  The card was posted with the 40 fillér jamboree stamp, but should have had the correct rate of 70 fillér.  Therefore arriving at Venice it was surcharged with postage due stamps to the value of 25 centimes and postmarked on 19th August.  When it arrived at Venice Lido, the destination on the card, it was again cancelled on the 20th August, but was not accepted so was then sent back to Budapest.  Estimated at approximately £100, it made £340 (US$ 680, Euro 440) plus of course the buyer's premium of 15%.

Plans are moving ahead quickly for the Euro-Scout Philatelic meeting being held at Benken.  Switzerland from India Rocket Label Defaced Die 25-27 July.  All details were given in the last bulletin, or you may like to no into the website of the organizers During the weekend, IFSCO will be holding their bi-annual meeting which participants may attend.

As you are all aware, I like to follow Scout items that are being offered on eBay.  Being a collector of the Scout India Rocket mail, I was interested to see offered by an Indian dealer, two impressions of the publicity labels with a defaced die.  It appears that a hacksaw or such item has been used to cut across the original printing block.  They measure approximately 136 x 200mm (51/4 x 7 3/4 inches).  On the reverese is written "All India Scouts Jamboree 1-7th February 1937.  Long live H.M. the King / Rocket Dispatch SH6" Described as unique and the only known one seen so far.  The opening price was approximately US$ 5000 (£ 2532, Euro 3240) but at this price, there were no bids.  For those who do not collect India Rocket Mail, there were three labels produced in Red, Green and Blue in quantities of 2000 each.  After the Jamboree, a Guide Rally was held at Bengal in March 1937 and 500 labels were printed in orange with an overprint.