SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
January/February 2004
by John Ineson
IFSCO Logo  

I was most interested to read the Editor's report on the 1936 Romanian issue of stamps and their cancellations.  Peter asks when the three Scout stamps were issued.  It has always been Romania 1936 Aug 6 Jamboree Cancel quoted as 20th August 1936 and this has been confirmed in my copy of the Romanian National catalogue of 1974 I understand that this is also the date in the 1938 and 1948 catalogues, so guess this must be correct.  I also have a cover with the stamps cancelled on 9th August, and know of others with this date.  I have seen no other examples of the Jamboree stamps being cancelled on cover before 20th August.  However the item on piece shown in the last Bulletin is dated 13th August, as is a similar item in another European Scout collection.  Although the postmark states the Jamboree was from 3rd - 29th August, I am not really sure that the actual Jamboree took place for that length of time.  The June 1936 issue of The Scouter mentions that the UK contingent would be leaving on 15th or 16th August and return on 30th August.  Our member Fredy Scherb from Switzerland writing in our Bulletin in February 1974 states that "the Jamboree was officially opened on August 10th by H.M. King Carol wearing Scout uniform".  The cancel of 9th August on covers with the Jamboree stamps were no doubt back dated as a favour by the postmaster.  The postcard shown above was postmarked on arrival at the camp with the Jamboree cancel dated 6th August.

Please do not forget our Annual Exhibition being held at B.P. House on Saturday 21st February from 1030-1600 hours.  Displays of Scout philatelic material will be on show and there will be a chance to purchase items for your collection.  It also gives you an opportunity to meet members of the committee.

I am always amazed at the prices sometimes obtained on Ebay, the web based auction house where you can sell virtually anything.  Over the last few weeks there have been a considerable number of postcards offered by a person using the name "Yeppers ".  These come from the late Claude Marchal's collection, as can be seen by his four "M" badge (looking perhaps like a flower) which he insisted on adding and in my opinion damaging many of the items that he purchased.  This 1924 Jamboree card was postmarked Copenhagen on 21st August 1924 and was described as a bit dog-eared.  It showed in colour the faces of young people from all over the world and was produced to sell at the Jamboree.  The first bid was at $12.99 followed by four more bids up to $25 during the seven days it was on offer.  It was only in WJ 1924 Postcard the last 31 seconds that it had two more bids of $1,333 and $1,358 (about £755) through the "snipe" system, which for a small fee a company WJ 1924 Postcard Picture Side will electronically bid on your behalf within the last minute.  This also means you do not have to stay up all night!  A postcard with the 1920 purple cachet made US$1031 (about £617) and a 1929 registered Jamboree card made $1675 (about £1000 at the time).