SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
November/December 2003
by John Ineson
IFSCO Logo  

It is always a pleasure to report when any of our members receive medals at International Exhibitions. Congratulations go to Hallvard Slettebø from Norway who won a gold medal and 93 points for his eight- frame exhibit "World Scouting", at the recent "Bangkok 2003" show in Thailand.

Although not members of the SGSC, the following gave interesting displays.  Gita Noviandi of Indonesia showed five frames "The Scout Movement", and was awarded large silver.  Shown here were gutter pairs of the Indonesia 1955 Scout set, and a commercially used U.S.A. 1967 World Jamboree postal card which is surprisingly difficult to find.  A cover from Campville, Florida with a fancy cancel depicting a tent was used to demonstrate tents, and this is a nice example how a non-scout item can be used in a Scout exhibit.  Choon Koshpassharin from Thailand exhibited five frames "Scout" and also won also a large silver medal.  Highlights in this exhibit included the three Siam postal cards of the third issue (two used and one unused), blocks of Siam stamps with COURT OFFICE cancellations, and a telegram form with the first Siam Scout set.  Also shown was a cover with the elusive Brazil 1941 postmark from the First Traffic Week, depicting a Boy Scout directing traffic.  Luis Martinez de Salinas from Spain won a gold medal and 90 points for his one-frame thematic exhibit "Scouting and Post".  This exhibit included covers from Mafeking, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bangladesh, and more.  There were also Scouting material in several non-scout exhibits, in particular three Siam traditional exhibits included various Scout's Fund stamps on and off cover.  An exhibit of Shanghai local mail showed a cover from the 1932 Emergency Postal Service, where Boy Scouts were participating.  Sixteen different philatelic gems were displayed in a special "Top of the World" section.  One of these was a Mafeking cover franked with a small format Baden-Powell stamp and seven other Mafeking stamps.  This cover was exhibited by Mr. Antonion Bertolaja of Italy.  Stanislaw F. Ozimek from Poland exhibited in the one frame postal history class "Survived after the Catastrophe - The uprising Scout and A.K. Field Post, Warsaw 1944" and won 84 points and a silver medal.  Professor Ozimek, who was present at the exhibition, was one of the Scouts participating in the Warsaw 1944 uprising, and it was a great pleasure for Hallvard to meet him.

The dates of the next EuroScout exhibition have been arranged for October 15th-17th 2004 and will Praha 2004 Logo be held at Prague in the Czech Republic.  To receive financial support, there have been certain changes to the usual EuroScout weekend.  The organisers have had to join up with "Scout Philex Praha 2004" and to have competitive classes as part of the exhibition.  The show has had to be recognised by their National Philatelic Society, judged by official and neutral jurors.  EuroScout exhibitions have in the past been non- competitive and I think this is the reason why they have been so successful.  There is an Open Class (C.2) where it is hoped most of the EuroScout exhibits will take place.  For those who prefer to exhibit competitively there are various classes to take part.  The Provisional Entry Form has now been received, and this has to be returned by December 30th 2001 It you have not received one and would like to take part, pleased contact me as soon as possible.  I understand that the Czech Republic will become part of the EU next Spring, so this will save Custom problems.  If you have never been to a EuroScout weekend, please do consider this great event.

My visit to Graz for the 25th Anniversary weekend of the Austrian Club, StPS was a great success.  There were some very good Scout displays and this attracted a number of SGSC members from Italy, Germany and Switzerland.  Graz is a beautiful city and well worth a visit.  My trip to South Africa went well, and I was delighted to visit our Member Charlie Baty and his wife Lorna who live at White River in the recently named state of Mpumalanmga (if you can pronounce it).  Mafeking has changed considerably, although there is still a very good museum with one room dealing only with the siege.  The cemetery where so many of our soldiers were killed in the Boer War is kept in a very good condition.

We still do not know if we IFSCO and Our Club will be involved with the 2005 European and 2007 World Jamboree.  A recent talk with the organisers informed me that we should now know within the next two months, as there is so much to be discussed.  Members of IFSCO, our International Federation, recently held a chat on line and amongst items discussed was that we should support both these events if we are accepted.