I was pleased to note that some of our members have read my "Chairman's Notes"
and to point out that the
set of stamps issued by Liberia were not the only stamps showing paintings by Norman Rockwell. I did say,
"as far as I was aware"! My American friends have pointed out that the 4 cent US stamp of 1960 showing
Thornton Percival, a 15 year old Scout saluting and issued for the 50th
anniversary of their Scouting was also by Rockwell. Our friend Stanley Hunter
from Scotland has written to me at some length about Rockwell and tells me
that he is big money in the US. As well as the Philadelphia PA "Saturday
Evening Post" Rockwell museum, he has also visited his house and studio in
Stockbridge MA, which is also a museum. The Boy Scouts of America holds
the BSA Calendar/Boy's Life/Scouting cover illustrations, so due to copyright
restrictions a number of counties have used details from his paintings but with small changes.
For those interested in Mafeking stamps I have been informed that this part of the Royal collection will be
on show at a National Philatelic Exhibition "Chester 2002", at the Chester Racecourse on 29-30th November.
King George V was a very keen philatelist and a great collector of Mafeking. He personally was responsible
for purchasing a number of the choice items that are in the collection today. This gives a rare chance to see
some of the magnificent material including many proofs that are rarely seen on display. The last time that the
Mafeking collection was on public display was at the International exhibition in Paris during the 1980s. Why
not make a note in your diary, especially those in the northern part of the country.
During a recent visit to a stamp bourse in Budapest, I purchased quite cheaply, a used World Jamboree view
postcard. On a later inspection, I noted to my surprise that it did not have the usual letter (a - m) in the cancel,
although it was dated 933 VII 10 (1933). This was the
first day of issue of the stamps. However collectors of
the 1933 Hungarian World Jamboree will know that the
postmark at the camp always had the month
abbreviated, as can be seen in the sample as "AUG". I
have enlarged the cancels so on further inspection it can
be seen that part of the postmark is genuine, while the
stamp and part of the postmark is from another cancel.
The word Gödöllõ is blurred which is another sign that
it was wrong. What amazes me is that somebody should
have gone to such trouble to fake a card with a low
value. When was it faked? Probably at the time, and has it since been in a stamp collection? The
person who sold it to me was a postcard dealer, who I am sure would not have been aware that it had a fake cancel.
Plans for the next Euro-Scout meeting in Gent, Belgium are at an advance stage. This will be held over the
weekend of 25-27 October when the 4th International Scout Stamp Exhibition together with the 11th European
Scout Collectors Meeting will be held at the main Congress
Centre in Gent. The Collectors Meeting will be held on Saturday
26th when the National Scouting Museum from Leuven will
organise at the same time an important exhibition, where you will
be able to view some exceptional objects from their collections of
Scouting and Guiding. The Philatelic weekend promises to be in
the same tradition of the earlier shows, when some of the best
European Scout Philatelic exhibits will be on view. The official
opening by the Province Governor and Members of the City
Council will be on the Friday evening and this will be followed by
a reception. Various tours have been planned, and a Dinner has
been planned for the Friday and Saturday evenings. Collectors
will have a chance to attend an Exchange Mart where those
attending will be able to buy, swop or sell to improve their Scout
collections. For further details email:
Info@euroscout2002.com or its own web site
The Annual June Thematica held in London where the SGSC had its own table was well attended, and
Peter Duck who was on the stand for most of the two days informs me that we had some interest in our Club,
and that he managed to sign on at least one new member who took out a five years subscription.