SGSC Logo Chairman's Notes
September/October 2000
by John Ineson
IFSCO Logo  

Since our exhibition in May I have had many letters and emails congratulating the Club on the success of the show at Baden-Powell House.  It was in particular appreciated by many of our overseas members, many who had never met face-to-face, names that have appeared in our Bulletin.  The very good report written by Marco Ferrini Bronzoni in the Italian Club, AISF magazine No.3/2000 went to three pages, which included a number of photographs and we are grateful for this report.  In fact we had received considerable publicity before our show in the various Scout stamp magazines that I have seen.

The September issue of Stamp Magazine also gave the SGSC some good publicity when we were chosen as the "Society of the Month".  The article gave a short history of the club since it was originally founded as the Scout Stamp Collectors Club in 1957 and information about the bulletin and membership.  Thanks to Bob Lee for preparing this for publication.

In August I went to Hungary to visit the National Scout camp held at Esztergom in the northern part of the country.  In the town was a first class Scout memorabilia and philatelic show, which was prepared by their archivist József Bokody, one of the Hungarian Scouts who attended the 1947 Jamboree in France.  During my stay in Budapest I attended the International Stamp Exhibition where there were some very good displays.  However the problem was that Hungary was going through a heat wave and to spend time at a show without any air conditioning at a temperature of 36°C (97°F) makes it rather unbearable.  No doubt some of our members who live in hot climates will not agree, but for those who live in the United Kingdom these temperatures are really high.

The summer months in the northern hemisphere is a time for more outdoor pursuits and I have been involved with my wife opening our Garden for Charity some thirteen times during June and July.  This has of course been very time consuming, but has raised £680 for the Red Cross and £1029 for the National Garden Scheme, which mainly supports Cancer Research.  During July I attended the World Collectors Meeting at the Walton Firs Scout Camp site in Surrey where a number of members from the U.K. and abroad also attended this gathering.

By the time you have received this magazine the third Euro Scout meeting will have been held and a report will be given in the next magazine.  In October there will be an International Philatelic exhibition "ESPAÑA 2000" in Madrid when (although I do not understand Spanish) it appears from their magazine El Explorador Filatélico that five members of their club "Club Filatélico de Scouts y Guias" will be exhibiting.

Romania RO-002b

On offer recently has been this 1934 registered Romanian cover showing the Mamaia type two cancel without horizontal lines in the cancel.  This is to date the only recorded registered cover of this type.
The type 1 cancel was the most frequent one used at the Post Office during the Jamboree.

Romania RO-002a

Registered cover showing Type 2 cancel

Type 1 cancel